Saturday, October 19, 2019

Individual welfare lies in collective welfare

Individual welfare lies in collective welfare

A saint was going to a town and in between a rich person met him. He requested to the saint to pray for him. Saint prayed

सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत्
शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः

Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah Sarve Santu Niraamayaah |
Sarve Bhadraanni Pashyantu Maa Kashcid-Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||


Om, May all be happy, may All be free from illness. May all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer.
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti!!!

The rich person said; “this is general prayer for everybody. You did not pray anything special for me. Please pray for me”. The saint again recited same prayer and rich person repeated himself. To this saint replied; “don’t you come within all? If everyone is benefitted, you will also be benefitted.”

PROUT’s (Progressive Utilization Theory) third fundamental principle says; “there should be maximum utilization of physical, metaphysical and spiritual potentialities of unit and collective bodies of human society”.

Purport: The collective body, collective mind and collective spirit must be developed. One must not forget that collective welfare lies in individuals and individual welfare lies in collectivity. Without providing for the comfort of the individual through proper food, light, air, accommodation and medical treatment, collective good can never be accomplished. So it is with the sole intention of doing collective good that one will have to devote oneself to individual good.

If a person thinks only of his individual interest, then he may overlook other’s discomfort. If a person only thinks of collective good, then do we expect that person to make pauper of himself? Collective good should be in favor of everyone and not just for few.

One example- A village did not have enough water for agriculture. An NGO helped them dig canal but needed a storage tank to store water. Nobody was willing to give their land for storage. Finally, a poor lady agreed to give her land. She understood they already don’t have anything and if they don’t go with this option, they will get worse. When people saw her sacrifice, they also decided to pay her periodically so that she can also meet her necessities of life. In this way, their problem of water was solved. This is one perfect example of “Collective good lies in individuals and individual good lies in collectivity”. People will have to think for collective benefit and they will be benefitted along with them.

Another example- Some of you might have heard about Hiware Bazar in Maharashtra. They were facing drought regularly. Fed up with the condition, they decided not to grow crops like rice, sugarcane which consume more water. They decided not to dig any borewell for farming and made drip irrigation mandatory for everyone. People gave up their individual benefit of using tubewells and decided to move along with everyone. This village has now become self-reliant for its water needs and people are returning back from cities. You can read about them here.

There have been many other successful stories where people have taken steps cooperatively. India is undergoing many economic challenges and we will have to solve it cooperatively. 
(Cooperative plays a very vital role in Prout's economy, which will be discussed separately in forth coming blog).

People need to understand that we should go for local products to support and strengthen our economy. Our nearby people will be benefitted if we purchase local products and when local economy will prosper, then individuals will also prosper. There is difference between Swadeshi, Deshi and Videshi which already have described in previous blog on -  'Decentralized Economy'.

What do we mean by maximum utilization of physical, metaphysical and spiritual potentialities of unit and collective body?

According to my understanding of Prout philosophy- a person with intellectual potential should be utilized for intellectual work. There are many intelligent people but they do not get opportunity to contribute as per their intellect rather they have to toil as physical labourer or their intellect is unutilized. Similarly, people with true spiritual potentialities should be utilized for giving spiritual education and uplifting the society. Society should take care of them to meet their needs. Nobody should be allowed to use their skills and talent in exploiting others rather it should be utilized as collective property of society that has nurtured them.

Take an example- most of the people in Punjab are physically strong while in North East India are shorter in height and not so strong. Gorkhas are fighting race while German and Jews are good at science and research. They should be utilized accordingly.

To conclude, we will have to give up our petty self interest else everyone will suffer and gradually diminish. We have to arouse the spirit of collectivism through spirituality.

You can read one more beautiful story here where a judge asked the society to pay for a woman who had to steal bread for her starving grandchildren. 

Another good story is available here about a farmer who grew corn and distributed good quality corns to his neighbors so that everyone has good output.  

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Why Limited Wealth Possession

Unlimited wealth accumulation is root cause of recession and sufferings

Let me begin with a story.

There was a king who had lot of gold coins. One day he saw, those gold coins were getting mouldy (covered with fungal growth) because of long disuse. So, he spread the gold coins in the sun to dry and a frog picked up one of the smallest pieces. At this, its belly puffed up and its throat swelled up and it began to sing “Why shouldn’t I sing. I am as rich as king”. At this everyone asked the frog “What wealth do you actually have?” The frog spun that little coin around at least 700 times saying, “Am I less than king?”

Another popular story
Once a sea frog came out to enjoy sand. He could hear croaking of frogs in nearby well. He went to meet those frogs to welcome them to vast sea. He saw there was hardly any place in the well and it was filled with frogs. He went inside well to invite them to sea. In response, proud leader of the well frogs said “Is your sea bigger than this well?” The sea frog replied “yes it is”. The well frogs did not accept the fact. After many hours of word battle, well frog agreed to visit sea and was astound to see the vastness of the sea.

Coming back to the topic


As per Oxfam report, Wealth of 9 richest Indians is equivalent to bottom 50% of country. If we look at net worth of individuals provided by Hurun Research Institute, anyone can be astonished with wealth accumulated by the handful of high networth individuals. Moreover, if this is the declared wealth or white money, then imagine how much money will be in form of black money.

I want to say that this earth is a very tiny dot as compared to this vast universe. Amassing such huge amount of wealth in this planet- Is it similar to frog who kept a gold coin and was thinking of himself to be rich.  These rich are nothing as compared to this universe and can never be there. Are they like frogs of well? They are considered as wealth creators but they do it for own profit and not for charity. With automated machines coming up, they will create wealth for themselves and not for others. They don’t bother how much others are suffering or deprived of resources because of this uneven wealth distribution. 

I don’t vouch for equal distribution but for rational distribution, such that everyone can meet their minimum requirements. The gap between minimum and maximum salary should not extend beyond a certain ratio like 1:20 depending on the socio-economic unit’s wealth distribution. If minimum salary is fixed at Rs 20000, then maximum salary / income per month should not be more than Rs 4 lakhs. There must be efforts to minimize this gap further and upper limit should only be increased as minimum salary level is increased not the vice versa. The intellectuals or meritorious deserve to be rewarded else innovation will decrease or disappear but there must be a check to avoid increasing disparity. Of course, there should not be any tax on income or income tax, as wealth is already being restricted.

May be owl has been shown as transport of Goddess Lakshmi because it is foolish to run after material pleasure and wealth when human body can be used to attain psychic and spiritual pleasure. Owls cannot see during day light and the people running after wealth become blind towards humanity. Running after physical things is underutilization of human frame. Businessmen look for maximum utilization of resources but in this case they don’t realize what value they are letting off go.

Money as power

In today’s world, money is synonymous of power. This power is leading to corruption and such pathetic condition of society. If common people support for economic democracy, the politicians will not have economic decisions power and corruption can be minimized. Read my blog on Economic democracy here.


For a healthy progressive society, its better, people should move in unison and follow the principles of Yama and Niyama which are well defined that individual’s conduct should not harm the collective psych of society. One of these principles is Aparigraha (non-greed) which means; to avoid accumulating material possessions more than required. By accumulating more and more, we may deprive others of the resources.

It is human nature to have something preserved for future or contingency. So a decent limit of possession should be allowed but not that much, what we are witnessing with handful of richest individuals. If we are able to provide affordable or free healthcare and education, people’s concern for contingency will drastically reduce.

I remember a story where a person ordered a lot of food and paid money but he wasted most of food. While he was leaving, the person serving him told, politely but firmly, that money belongs to you but resources does not belong to you. So, we should ensure a holistic system that resources should be available for the utilization and welfare of all and money should be the medium for it only.

Psychic and Spiritual wealth

Psychic and spiritual wealth are unlimited. Psychic wealth is which gives us mental pleasure. If a person buys one bread, it can be eaten by him only. But if things like music is there, it can be shared with many people. So, physical wealth possession should be constrained that everyone can meet their necessities.
Humans are psychic beings. Eg- If a person insults you and then gives bread to eat, you will not eat but a dog would accept it even if it has been insulted. Therefore, humans should progress more towards psychic and spiritual pleasure.

Spiritual wealth is feeling proximity to God. This is also unlimited though I have not experienced it completely :) 

To conclude, I will say; Mother Earth produces plenty to nourish its children as a mother’s breast produces sufficient milk for her child.  It is our greed and mismanagement of resources that we are not able to feed everyone and live happily.  Physical wealth at any given time is limited. Uncontrolled accumulation by few persons deprives others of their due share. Hence, a ceiling on wealth is a necessity.

To know more about fundamental principles of PROUT, visit-