Sunday, December 15, 2019

Maximum utilization of resources

PROUT’s second principle states- There should be maximum utilization and rational distribution of all mundane, supramundane and spiritual potentialities of the universe.

The wealth and resources available in the crude, subtle and causal worlds should be developed for the welfare of all. All resources hidden in the quinquelemental world – solid, liquid, luminous, aerial and ethereal – should be fully utilized, and the endeavour to do this will ensure the maximum development of the universe. People will have to earnestly explore land, sea and space to discover, extract and process the raw materials needed for their requirements.

Maximum utilization of physical potentiality does not mean excessive usage. Eg- Deforestation. There should be balance in utilizing them. If for industrialization or other developmental purposes, we have to cut the trees or jungle, we must plant that many trees, so our coming generations shouldn't suffer.

Let's take some of the examples of physical potential- there is plenty of barren land. We should plant rain-attracting trees that will attract rain and in the process, barren land will be converted into fertile land. Other option is to apply the artificial rain to convert that land into agricultural land gradually. Other utilizations can be installing solar panels or windmill to generate electricity.  

Everything in this universe has substance and some purposeful usages, if utilized efficiently. We peel some vegetables and usually throw it away. If these peels can be collected from nearby houses of a locality can be used for preparing Multivitamin Aasavs (ayurvedic medicine).

One person had Gaushala (cowshed) but it was not possible to feed them through donations. So, they brought unutilized waste and left over vegetables from the wholesale market. They used cow dung to manufacture organic fertilizers and cow urine for other purposes. Other option could be setting up of biogas plants. So, what we consider as waste can be utilized somewhere.

Solar energy is other example of utilization of resources. These days floating solar panels are being set up in water bodies.

Medicines are prepared from variety of plants. These areas should be explored, as everything in this universe exists for a reason or a cause.

Nicola Tesla was working on wireless transfer of energy. Such inventions should be encouraged and carried forward.


Denotes all things which are above mundane. In the vast realm of human mind so much of wealth lies hidden and all that has to be utilized for promoting welfare of the mankind. The modern psycho-analysts have discovered the phenomena of telepathy, clairvoyance, premonition etc. by opening the door of vast psychic world. 
The parapsychologists have proved that most people are inherently endowed with this faculty. In the absence of proper culture these powers would fade away. Humans have inherited them from Cosmic intelligence. In the interest of humanity these powers should therefore be cultivated and developed. The degree of one’s intellect and intelligence is dependent directly upon that of density of Cosmic intelligence reflected on the human mental plate.

Let me give some examples to understand it. Sound has big impact in this universe. There are certain ragas in Indian music, which are used to cure people. Certain raga (like Raag Malhar) if sung properly can bring rain. Only people who have deep understanding of music can sing such Ragas correctly.

When scientists go deep into something, their mind is concentrated in higher layers of mind like subliminal / supramental layers where every solutions exist, and they are able to discover new things. Creativity is part or starting of supramundane potentiality.

Spiritual Potentiality

Spiritual potentiality implies Cosmic Vibrations. The Spiritual waves permeating the whole universe will have to be utilised for satisfying the spiritual longing of human beings and scientific spiritual practices are to be restored for converting the gross human personality into subtler one. This task can be accomplished by those only who have attained a high degree of spiritual power and who have the wisdom to understand the subtle spiritual requirements of their fellow being. Human beings have to utilize and distribute the mundane, supramundane and spiritual potentialities of the entire universe for eternity.  

Examples of spiritual potentialities – Saints like Ramkrishna Paramhans, Kabir, Meera, Lord Buddha, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Trailanga Swami had reached highest level of minds and knew everything. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu started Kirtan along with devotees and spiritual vibrations generated from this kirtan protected Hindus from many of Muslim rulers. Kabir enlightened masses through his Dohas or couplets. Similarly, other religions like Sikhism have concept of going around the town singing Kirtan. Temples, mosques, churches, Gurudwaras and other such structures were built for people to gather and do holy chanting together. Unfortunately, people forgot the real purpose of these collective prayer or worship and they confined their gods to temples, churches, mosques and other such buildings. When people sing and pray collectively, it has more powerful impact in society and universe.

To conclude, I will say we have to use all our potentials for everyone and society’s welfare. Now the time has changed and we can’t remain indifferent to others when mother Earth is bleeding so much.